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Installing A Downloaded Model

In this section you will learn how to install a downloaded model.


Please make sure you have a backup of your currently installed models. Where are ollama models stored?

Copy all required file to a directory (preferably the same as the executable)

You first need to copy all downloaded blobs to a folder. Keep in mind there are no proper validation of files, so make sure you have only the blobs there!

Rename the manifest file

The manifest file must be named manifest without any file extension.

Install your model

You can use this command to install the model:

omdd install --model=<model-name> --blobsPath=<downloaded-blobs-path>

In this case <model-name> is the name of your model (you can give it any name you wish) and <downloaded-blobs-path> is the relative path to your model.


omdd install --model=MyAwesomeModel --blobsPath=./

Or if your models are stored somewhere else

omdd install --model=MyAwesomeModel --blobsPath=../../path/to/blobs

Run your model

Success! You've successfully installed your model. You can now run it normally using Ollama with command:

ollama run <model-name>

Happy AI inference!